Friday, November 23, 2012


                                                 ''DUMB WAYS TO DIE''

I heard this opinion for this song was a
 three-minute animated music video is the centre piece of the campaign. The video highlights the many dumb ways there are to die, with being hit by a train a very preventable death among them. “We’ve got people eating superglue, sticking forks in toasters and selling both their kidneys. But truth is indeed stranger than fiction, and we still couldn’t come up with dumber ways to die than driving around boomgates and all the other things people do to put themselves in harm’s way around trains. The aim of this campaign is to engage an audience that really doesn’t want to hear any kind of safety message and we think dumb ways to die will.“This campaign is designed to draw people to the safety message, rather than frighten them away. Especially in our younger segments. We want to create a lasting understanding that you shouldn’t take risks around trains, that the prospect of death or serious injury is ever-present and that we as a community need to be aware of what constitutes both safe and dumb behaviour.from this song  i got some good thing and bad thing.


1.      Death is a pretty big thing. It's literally the point of no return. And according to someone at Melbourne    Metro, they really did have startling numbers in regards to train-related deaths. It's a cute song, and the contrast between the music and the lyrics makes this song/video memorable to the people who see/listen to it. The main message is getting across, and that's all that matters.
2.      Dumb Ways to Die is a beautifully animated Melbourne Metro Trains transport safety ad which features colourful characters singing a catchy tune as they set fire to their hair, poke a stick at a grisly bear, get their toast out with a fork or use their private parts for piranha bait.


1.This is an insipid waste of money. It is an indulgent yet ordinary creative execution which, sadly,   reflects the intelligence of a dumbed down viewer.
2.Dumbest ways to di-i-i-e.... So many dumb, so many dumb ways to die.... These word are repeated.


  Smoking has become very common and fashionable, especially among young boys. This habit usually begins at school when boys try to experiment with every new thing that they can lay their hands on.Despite the warnings given by doctors about the ill-effects of smoking, people continue to smoke. Smokers are addicted to it, and even if they want to, they cannot refrain from picking up a cigar or cigarette and puffing away. Some youngsters smoke for the sake of society and some feel that would make them appear liberated and broadminded.Tobacco companies are doing very well all over the world. Every packet of cigars or cigarettes has a warning inscribed in it: cigarette smoking is injurious to health." Yet the smoker never reads this warning and even if he reads it he never pays heed to it.The government raises the price of tobacco every year. This is usually done to discourage people from smoking. Yet smokers continue to be slaves of this habit and often spend a substantial part of their earnings on cigarettes. Cigarette advertisements lure people into smoking and most active smokers cause a great deal of harm to passive smokers as well. Smokers force the members of their family to bear the ill effects of the smoke that they exhale. Smoking can be stopped by a strong will power and every person has the capacity to give it up once he sets his mind at doing so.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Today was the ending of the english class and next week going to be start final exam.In today class we do some exercise about lecturer give us a title to do a report according to a table and pie chart.after a few hours,we did the exercise and passed up to lecturer.Then,my lecturer discuss about our test 1 essay paper with us.She teach us techniques to do a report,after that,she give us some exercise to do at home.she ask to post about an issue at our blog. Then,she ask to listen the 'dumb ways to die' song at youtube and give our opinion to the song and the lyrics clip.our class was end....

This week got no class because of public holiday...deepavali...

Today is the first week class in november.In this class lecturer give us to do some activity.she give us some titles and giving 5 difficult words.we was choose a title and use this 5 difficult words to create a short story.we was do this activity in a group.aftera few hours,we all create the story severally.Then,lecturer was call us group by group to present our story.every group was create story with using their diffrent class was very intresting because listening diffrent stories...

Today is saturday but we got a replacement class on afternoon.We do test 1 for english.We do the test for 3 hours.The question look like exam modul question.After we finished the test,we go back home...

Hi,today's class we was learned about tecniques for answer the essay question.My lecturer was give us some modul of essay questions.She was teach us easy way to answer the essay question.Then,she was give us some exercises to do in the class.After we did she give us homework to wrote a report.That's all....

Today class was canceled....

Hi,this week i didn't go to english class because of  headache.but,i ask my friend what they was learned in the class.she said they was do some activities only in group.That's all...

Monday, October 8, 2012


Today english class was very bored for me because the class was started late.Then, we was discuss about last week tenses exercises.After that lecturer teach us about modals today.She give us to do some exercises.Then a few hours,we do the exercises with using the modals.We discuss the answer with lecturer.Lastly,she ask to wrote 6 sentences about us with using the modals.After did we give the paper to lecturer and go back home.That's all for today....

Sunday, September 30, 2012


Hi,today i can't go to my english class because of fever.Today morning i'm going to other classes but after my class finished at 3pm i realy very tired when reached at hostel.I told my friend that i can't come to the class.After that,i take some medicine and sleep.At night, my friend was told that today they was learn about tenses.The lecturer was give them to do some exercises about tenses.She also told that they was learned only one hour today.I can't come to the class because of fever but i'm shared with my friend what they was learned today.k that's all for today...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Hi,today english class was very intresting.In today's class my lecturer ask us to do a runway project.We do this like a group project.The title of the project are the new school uniform.We made a new school uniform in our design and explained why we choose the design and colour.After a few hours,we and other groups are finished made a designed a school uniform.Then,my lecturer was called us group by group to do presentation about our designing.All our classmates are made their school uniform in diffrent style.Some of the students are made their uniform modern and stylish.Our group was design something diffrent like smart,cute and proffesional too.After,all group performed my lecturer was give a comments  and marks to our design.Lastly,lecturer was ask us group by group to vote the school uniform design.Most of the group are vote for our group design.We all was very happy for that.Before the class finished,lecturer give us a homework.That's all for today class finished...

Monday, September 17, 2012


Hello,today is my 2nd week of my english class.Actually,today i'm realy bored to going to the english class.i'm going to the class because my lecturer was started our lesson today.Firstly,she started with a poem.Then,she ask us to write down in a paper  about what is the problem that we have as a teenager,unisel student,daughter and as a friend.After, a few hour,we did that.Some of the student in my class was shared their problems.My lecturer was collect all the papers and she give us to do a comprehension.Then,she,ask us to do a comprehension at home and she leaved us today early at 7pm.Today class was intresting and its also make me irritating because some of  the students was shouting in the class.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday 11 september 2012


Today is my first day english class and i'm very excited goes to the class.It was intresting too.First of all,my lecturer was introduced herself and explained us about this subject papers.After that,our lecturer asked us to introduced ourself in diffrent ways.My lecturer was asked to write down our name in a paper and draw three symbol that was represented about us.It was diffrent and intresting.Anyway,this first day english class was make me intresting because of the diffrent thinking of students was introduced themselves.